If you want to grow your business quickly, you need an email list. Paid advertising is an option if you want to build an email list. In the meantime, if you don’t yet have the funds to hire a list builder, take a look at this article for some tips on how to get started quickly.
1.Create a fantastic giveaway that your target audience will enjoy and appreciate.
If all you get in return is a “hello” email, no one will ever give you their email address. To encourage people to enter their email address on your opt-in form, you must provide them with something of great value. To use as a giveaway, you don’t even have to write a 5,000-word eBook. Using a discount code or even a free 7-day trial period can be used as your giveaway if you’re selling a service or product.
2. Use social media to spread the word about your give-away.
If you’re active on social media, you can let your followers know about your offer. Post in a way that compels readers to subscribe to your mailing list.
Don’t hesitate to make your offer sound irresistible so that they’ll regret not taking advantage of it. Then ask them to spread the word about your generosity by sharing your post with their contacts. Incentives for successful referrals are a great way to reward your most loyal customers.
Think outside the box and do your best to get your free gift in front of as many people as possible to get ‘viral’ success on social media!
3. Provide a prominent location for your opt-in form on your website.
No matter how amazing your free gift is and how widely you advertise it on social media, if your website’s opt-in form is hidden, your efforts will be for naught. Include an opt-in form on your website in a variety of locations, such as the sidebar, header, and footer, as well as your about page and blog posts.
Your opt-in form should be easy to spot. If you make it blend in with your website, your visitors will be unable to see it. Keep it hidden from them. To get people to sign up, you need to point them in the direction of the registration page.
In conclusion, putting all these three together carefully, will help you generate more email signups you can image. I hope you were able to learn something new today? Let us know other ways you use in generating email list for free on the comment box below.